
To stand with and assist brave law enforcement officers who come forward and speak the truth against systemic issues impacting the police and the retaliation facing officers who speak out against injustice.


We are here to stand with you! As experienced attorneys, the founders of this organization have a profound desire to ensure that truth and fairness prevail within the civil and criminal justice system. Combining their experience in employment law and as prosecutors, they have a collective background and desire to promote a law enforcement system free from bias and discrimination. We understand.

Please reach out to us. Your privacy & confidentiality is assured.


Join the team


We are an organization dedicated to filling a void that those who prosecute civil rights cases and the government may need, to ensure that justice prevails, and the truth is told.


We intend to provide pro bono and subsidized assistance to law enforcement personnel willing to speak up in difficult times, by providing employment protection throughout the process. We understand the courage it will take to “see something, say something” and believe you should not be punished when you do. We recognize that those individuals are the ones that make this profession one of the most courageous of them all.

Our Role

We appreciate the complications and stigma associated with coming forward and the complexities and difficulties that those who wish to police the truth may face, but we are willing to do our part by committing to volunteer our time to:

  • Provide financial assistance for the prosecution of claims unearthed by whistle blowers and any defense they may need in doing so